The new year has started with a low-grade hangover. I had two of the Sad Gargoyle Dubbles last night.  It's ... ok.  I think maybe the D-180 candi syrup dominated the flavors. I didn't add molasses but it sort of tastes like molasses, in a muddled, not great way.  

Arsenal did not help things.  Of course they lost to Man City, in extra time, after taking the lead, and giving up a penalty.

So then it's time to find something on TV, and there it is: the annual Rose Parade. Just like this is 1938 or something. That's some weird, throwback nonsense alright. Complete with a couple low-rent commentators competing with each other for the worst pun they can think of. This is still on TV? How does stuff like this survive?  Has anyone, ever, talked about this parade with anyone else? Like "Hey, I can't believe there were only 45,000 flowers on the Brought-to-you-by-T-Mobile float."

I really like Reese's peanut butter cups though.