21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street

Penhall pretty much never looked high school-aged.  And he's always the one that comes in to dominate high school football games, because well, he's like 28.  The hodgepodge of villains is fantastic on this show.  Just when you think that that seemingly dorky year book editor is just there for information and might have an inside line, you find out she pimps out her best buds to teachers to support a coke habit, and then doubles-down on that scheme by blackmailing the teachers and getting one of them to murder the star running back, and later another teacher who couldn't keep her mouth shut.  It's hard to believe she ever made much time for that year book at all.  She's also got a protection racket to run, and is constantly having her goons burn down local shops that aren't playing ball.  Yeah this girl is a ruthless, hardened criminal.  Par for the course on this show.