
I watch a ton of these low-rent documentaries. Smithsonian Channel pumps these out in bulk. History Channel basically only makes these. "Xive TV" is some foreign studio Amazon Prime fortunately taps into. They also have a bunch of German and French-produced documentaries which are sometimes double-translated poorly i.e. it could be a german show translated into english, but the original audio from that interview with the American professor from University of Chicago got lost so they just power through with more of the same dubbers dubbing. But you'll quietly hear a few English words from the person speaking and wonder why they're dubbing it.
I digress. This is a pretty good one though. Who doesn't like hearing about Alexander? A lot of time was spent on Hypatia, and that's cool. Archimedes was mentioned, but they only really said his name once. I really want to watch one of these on Archimedes.