Amazon, Amazno

Now that I've seen Amazon evolve into what it is over the past 20 yrs, I really don't think my career as a consumer is progressing in the right direction.

Amazon, Amazno

For a few years I've had an Amazon Prime membership, and I've wanted to stop it, but I kept forgetting to. This time I remembered, and it'll be great to have that gone. I have a few friends that work at Amazon, and I certainly will always wish them the best, just not their company. Borders Books, Tower Records are probably 1% of 1% of 1% of what might still be around had there been no Amazon. Shopping malls were a thing too. I think you're over-simplifying my sentiment if you just think I'm a carmudgeon pining away about a golden era that was never there. I think of course that that's partially true – and yet – now that I've seen Amazon evolve into what it is over the past 20 yrs, I really don't think my career as a consumer is progressing in the right direction.