Bad Cheesecake

I'll be adjusting things a lot next time. Like trying a different recipe.

Bad Cheesecake

I've been wanting to try this recipe for a long time, so I was really excited to try it.  I pretty much followed it to the letter, but it went horribly wrong. I'll be adjusting things a lot next time.

Being the first time making a cheeesecake, it's a little hard to be sure of my diagnosis, but I think it was under-baked and under-cooled. I also can't help thinking the 2/3 cup of beer I basically poured onto the batter, umm, might've made it a little liquidy.

Here's the next cheesecake:  Heavenly Cheesecake from Betty Crocker. Same oven temp, roughly the same bake time. No water bath, no added liquid with an added sauce.  A lot longer cool time.

We'll see.