Black Raspberry Jam
This will become a signature of mine.

I should've tried to be more precise about how many black raspberries I picked. Initially I was, I recorded 8.5 oz picked both Thursday andy Friday. Saturday I didn't pick any, so there was extra today. I really think I started with about 2 lbs. Other recipes will say you'll get 4 mashed cups of raspberries from 4 x 6 oz containers (24 oz total). I think I need extra because lose raspberry mass with my blending/straining step.
- 2 lbs black raspberries
- 6 1/2 cups of sugar (1300 grams by weight)
- One 3 fl oz package of liquid pectin
- Divide the raspberries roughly in half.
- With one half: mash in a big bowl.
- With the other half: puree in a blender, then strain through a strainer plus cheesecloth to get rid of some seeds.
- Combine the strained raspberries and mashed raspberries to make 4 cups total.
- Add raspberries to a sauce pan set the burner to high.
- Add the sugar bit by bit, stirring constantly until the mixture reaches a rolling boil.
- Lower the heat, add the pectin, raise the heat to high, and bring to a boil for one minute.
- Turn off the heat and ladle into jars.
- Process the sealed jars by boiling them for 5 minutes.
- Allow to cool, at which point the jam will be ready.