Bucky Barnes

I haven't seen WandaVision yet but I've seen a few seasons of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. until it just got too melodramatic/soap-operary for me to stand. Agent Carter was fantastic television and I'm still bitter that only got two seasons. I've seen all the hyper-violent NYC-centric Netflix Marvel series, and they weren't bad. They were supposed to fit into the same universe as the Avengers movies. Really? Well, it was a stretch, but I didn't really think about it much.
Now we have The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, and it's definitely more big-budget than the network shows, maybe bigger than the Netflix ones. So far, so good.
There's another half of the Falcon/Winter Soldier duo, I know. I'll probably bring up this show again in another post to talk more about the Falcon more, but he's a pretty straight-forward one. Bucky though is the character that drew me in. The good-guy turned bad-guy turned good-guy who's like 100 years old and who was the at the center of the Avengers internal schism is an interesting anti-superhero... maybe that's super anti-hero.