Corn Salad

Corn Salad

From July 1, 2007.

I made a corn salad yesterday and it was really good. I didn't follow a recipe but I want to remember what I did. Here it goes:


5 ears of sweet corn
3 avocados, diced
2 mangos, diced in similar size pieces as the avocado
1 medium bunch of cilantro, chopped fine


2-4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1/4 red onion, finely chopped
juice from 2 limes
1/2 teaspoon salt

Set oven to 300 degrees and roast corn for an hour. Remove husks, then remove corn kernels from the cob with a knife. Combine all the ingredients then toss with the dressing. Optionally add chopped jalapeno.

It's not super original but it's still mine. And it's really very tasty so give it a shot. Everyone in my house liked it anyway.