Cradle 2 the Grave

This movie is 18 years old and ages just fine. Jet Li and DMX.

Cradle 2 the Grave

Upon hearing DMX passed away, I decided to watch this movie again. It's a pretty silly film. The classic heist team full of good-hearted family types caught up in a situation stealing the wrong loot form the wrong people. The villain is strangely the dude that hosted Iron Chef America back when Food Network mattered. He'd start the competition referring to his "uncle" and revealing the ingredient, then spent the rest of the episode completely silent, eating, and showing no emotion whatsoever. Since 2003, DMX aged a lot, and sadly died. Gabrielle Union, however, maybe got 9-10 years older in 18 years. Good for her. I haven't seen Jet Li in a while. I assume he's kicking butt somewhere.