Detroit Pizza

Detroit Pizza

I grew up with Rocky Rococo, and if I had to assign a style to that which approximates any somewhat widely-known style at all, I suppose it'd come closest to the Detroit Steel Pan style.  Nevertheless, this Detroit style I speak of carries a few characteristics which a real Detroiter would admonish immediately upon receiving a slice of Rocky's.  One is the caramelized cheese crisped into the edge of the crust.  Oh man, what a thrill.  Right now I'm absolutely in love with Steep Pan pizza from Lucille.  Pictured is "The Weekender", which has a bunch of toppings, but I think my favorite is the "Seven Mile Classic", which simply pairs pepperoni and red onion.  

Ever since discovering them in early 2020, I try to order a Lucille pizza every 2-3 months.  

By the way, I find the whole Rocky's vs ____ comparison usually unfair in a lot of ways.  Rocky's is its own thing, and it's a thing I love, and I'll never not love.  It's existed for nearly 50 years, independently of the commonly-known genres in pizza.