Christian Eriksen

That was a shocking, upsetting experience.

Christian Eriksen

It's pretty clear the guy had some sort of cardiac event even if the TV people "won't speculate". It just isn't a huge stretch to conclude that if the medical staff are performing CPR. I suppose we may find out something else and the CPR was only done because that was the belief at the time... I just sorta doubt it.

As an Arsenal fan, I never really held much other than contempt for Eriksen, and I was rooting for Finland because (a) it was Finland's first Euros and (b) because Denmark features Eriksen. It's interesting how quickly this ill will evaporated and how desperate I – along with everyone on earth – was to hear any sort of positive news for him.

It's probably too soon to know if Eriksen will have a good prognosis or not, but I'm hoping to eventually go back to despising him and his long history of Spurs villainy. All kidding aside, it was a big relief the worst case scenario was avoided, and I wish him a long and happy life.