Fire Pits

Fire Pits

I've wanted one of these for a while, but every time I start shopping for one it goes sort of this this:  

OK, sure that looks good, but what is that, 22 inches? What's that other one, 26 inches?  It's like 20% bigger but 50% more expensive. OK, then what about that one? Hmmm... lots of 1-star anger with that one, maybe I'd end up with a lemon too. Oh hey, dang, that one's 36 inches?!?  Yahtzee. Oh but it's $400.  Maybe I don't want to spend $400 on a fire pit.  But maybe I should want to want a $400 fire pit because ultimately it's the biggest, and a bigger fire pit means a bigger fire, and who's ever wanted the smallest campfire ever? ... I dunno ... This is a tough choice ... Maybe there's something on Netflix to watch right now.

Sometime in the Fall, Central Waters posted a picture of their new fire pits that were not for sale, rather they were just trying to attract people to visit the patio.  I guess they got enough feedback that people thought the post was an advertisement for new merchandise.  So much feedback that they went ahead and ordered more for customers to buy.  I wasn't one of the people that said anything, but I did go check their store when I saw that.  

In any case, while this felt a little like an impulse purchase, and a little more expensive than what I might buy otherwise (if I could ever actually succeed in choosing one), I've probably wasted a total of 2-3 hrs shopping and not buying fire pits over the past five years.  So it's nice that Central Waters simplified it for me.  

It'll be a true upgrade to the patio, and I'll probably begin using it pretty soon.  It may even be reason enough to lure masked friends over here for some beers or beers and brats.  We'll see.