Grizzled Victory

Grizzled Victory

Jrue essentially had two buzzer-beaters in this game. Maybe the second half one he left 2 seconds, but it was still the game winner.  

The shooting in the second half was shambolic. 1/13 on threes? Connaughton's was timely, but come on. Turnovers galore. We're halfway through the season now. Are they going to be tinkering with the offense and defense all the way into the post-season? A lot of these turnovers seem to stem from players still not understanding where/when other players are. That's my theory anyway. I don't really get it.

I guess my take's pretty negative for such a clutch win, but the Bucks were 18 points ahead at one point. I was really in the mood tonight for beat-down win. Or at least a game without that sort of third quarter where the Bucks can't sink buckets from 4 inches.