History Made

I just didn't think it was gonna happen. I'm so happy it has.

History Made

The whole season I needed to endure this corny "History in the Making" commercial/theme song of the Bucks. But, well, there you go... turns out it was.

These times are rare. The emotional investment I've put into the Bucks has been substantial. The payoff from that investment is essentially euphoria. It's kind of a full-body warmth of happiness. I love it!

Especially after the last two seasons of just gut-wrenching endings. Toronto, then Miami. Sigh. Yeah there was plenty before that too. But it was enough to think they were the NBA's Buffalo Bills or something.

Chris Paul: I don't care. He could play another 50 years and be the NBA's darling all that time and I still won't care. Go back to doing what you're good at: selling insurance.

I don't know man. I just didn't think it was gonna happen. I'm so happy it has.