It'll be a While

It'll be a While

June? July? I don't know when I'll be vaccinated. Biden was aiming for 100 million shots in his first 100 days or whatever, and now he's revised that to 200 million. So what? Am I supposed to be impressed, Biden? You suck. Everyone working for you sucks. The former president sucks. Everyone working for the former president sucks. Everyone working in public health sucks. Everyone working to manufacture vaccine sucks. You're all crap. You deserve no congratulations, only disdain. Governments of the past would've made quick work of this. FDR, Einsenhower, Kennedy: they've been faced with harder problems than this. They had the ability to mobilize a whole nation in a common effort. Instead we get several vaccines in December but vastly insufficient supply. Why? Poor planning, a reluctance to spend money. The future is bleak. The world is run by absolute morons.