Jrue Jrue I see you

Jrue Jrue I see you

Oh man, won't it be great when Giannis, playing like he is now, teams up with Jrue?

Tonight we had a classic Bucks experience:  crappy team with marginal 3-point shooting, shoots about as well as possible. Meanwhile, the Bucks stop them in the paint while simultaneously dominating the paint through Giannis. DJ Augustine looks possibly useful.  I may yet have a slice of that humble pie. I thought I was past the point of no return with DJ. I really couldn't see much he could do well. Now I'm seeing him with fewer embarrassing turnovers and fruitless drives to the basket and better passing, and better ... shooting!

As for DJ Wilson, well, he can't even get garbage-time minutes against the Timberwolves.

Donte hit a few threes.