Monty's Breakfast Burrito

Monty's Breakfast Burrito

I get a $15 credit every month for Uber or Uber Eats, and because the month is ending pretty soon and that credit would expire, I needed to remember to not forget about it. In January I got the pizza from Lucille, in February I got curry from Monsoon Siam. This month, I decided to try something new. Vegan food seems to be offered more and more in restaurants. Even if I'm not vegan, I still find the new uses of existing plants pretty fascinating. Then all the uses of stuff like almond milk, tempeh, seitan, tofu, etc. To me Level 5 donuts are basically perfect, so anything non-vegan added to donuts seems unnecessary. Like regular potato chips fried in lard or something: unnecessary, gimmicky.

Anyways, I got the vegan breakfast burrito from Monty's, and it was good, but I think it'd be better at the restaurant. I don't think it travels super well. The tortilla gets a little slimey. I confess I also added some salsa and salt and pepper to the potatoes. All things considered, it was pretty good and I'd be happy to get it again. I think before I do that though, I'll probably do some more exploring of Monty's menu. It's a great option for weekend mornings when most of my usual spots (think pizza) aren't open yet.