No-Minging Scottish Ale

Another double-mashed beer. Our first Wee Heavy!

No-Minging Scottish Ale
Photo by Reuben Teo / Unsplash


  • 18.5 lbs Golden Promise, Thomas Fawcett (UK).
  • 0.5 lbs Roasted Barley, Briess (US).
  • 1.0 lbs 60L Caramel Malt, Briess (US).


  • White Labs WLP028 Edinburgh Scottish Ale.
  • 4L starter at 70ºF on stir plate for 24 hrs, 37ºF for 18 hrs before decanting.


  • 1 oz Fuggle (UK) at 60 min.
  • 2 oz Fuggle (UK) at 15 min.


  • 1/2 tsp Wyeast Yeast nutrient at 15 min


  • Used home RO water with a mineral profile of 50 Ca2+, 11 Mg2+, 8 Na+, 45 Cl-, 105 SO42-, 16 HCO3-.
  • 10 lbs of Golden Promise in 8 gal water at 149ºF for 60 min. Around 6 ml of 88% lactic acid was added to get the pH to around 5.3.
  • Sparged with 1.5 gal water with same mineral and acid additions.
  • Remaining 10 lbs of grain at 149ºF for 60 min.


  • Started with 8.25 gal of wort with a specific gravity around 1.070.
  • 120 min.
  • Ended with 5.5 gal of wort with a specific gravity around 1.093.


  • Set at 65ºF so far.
  • More details TBD.