Oak Island

Is this history? Is this a just a show watching some guys with a metal detector and immediately jumping to every conclusion possible, every time, with everything seen. Any and all theories makes sense on Oak Island. The biggest star of the show is the narrator. All the narrator does is ask question after question. The narrator follows this basic script every time he speaks:
Is this a ________ possibly deposited by _______ nearly 300 years ago? And if so, could this mean that __________ was originally built over 100 years before the discovery of the money pit? What if, the actual location of the tunnel dug between C28 and E93 really indicates the real location of the money pit is located 12 ft away from what was thought to be the location of shaft 77? Could this mean, that what was originally thought to be a 1998 Canadian dime, was really a lucky charm buried by Roman Emperor Hadrian during a trip where he was thought to have swum across the Atlantic Ocean over the course of six days?