

This is one of the so-called "deathbed beers" that are called that because we can't get our hands on them easily and are just so rich and tasty.  De Struise Brouwers are the brewer of this one, and they seem to only brew them every 3 years.  

Normally, I'll have one or two of these per year. In 2020, I've had like 6-7 of them for a few reasons:

  1. The City Beer Store in San Francisco had like 9 of them on the shelf. I bought 8 of them, consumed one in the store, had another that evening with friends, and crammed 6 into my checked baggage for the return flight.
  2. Pops and I got a few from Aunt Barb for our birthdays this summer.
  3. I found one at John's Grocery in Iowa City, IA, on the way home from Kansas City.

But it's still a very rare night two have two, so it might as well be Christmas evening when that happens.