Privacy Goals

This website is aggressively anti-social-network, anti-cross-site-trackers.

Privacy Goals

This website is aggressively anti-social-network, anti-cross-site-trackers. I hate it all and I reject all the arguments suggesting they're a necessity. I think more people would pay for internet things if they had a better understanding of their real privacy.  And if you're not concerned about privacy, at least be concerned about how massive Twitty, Bookface, Instapot, or Goggles are and what it is they control. Don't just be concerned about their impact on society, be concerned about their impact on civilization. On humanity itself.

B+ is the best I can do without a formal 3rd party review... at least that's how I understand it. This site is powered by Despite it being a good, modern platform, the basic installation includes nasty cross-site facebook and CDN trackers so the best you could get is a C+ from duckduckgo. I then spent time fixing my theme and removing a CDN. There are actually a surprising number of things built into the software which are clearly geared towards professional bloggers to connect their Twitty or whatever. Even though these are situations the blogger is probably trying to lean heavily on social networks and self-promotion, I think the software is too cozy with these websites.