Roman Candle

Let's just say it wasn't the most economical pizza, but I don't care. It was a big day.

Roman Candle

I ran a 1/2 marathon today and despite a nice meal of lasagna afterwards, I knew I'd be hungry again soon. The Roman Candle Pizzeria wasn't around when I was growing up or in my college years. It sprang up during the 2000s sometime I think. They gained enough of a following to open more locations, and were up to four, when sadly two locations: the Fitchburg and Monroe St. locations both closed  in 2018/2019. If I remember correctly, I think the Monroe St. location was really hard done by the ridiculous water main project that shut the street down for 8 months or whatever it was. Most of the businesses are still there, but they all took a big hit, the pandemic notwithstanding of course.

The Roman Candle offers a LOT of ingredient choices including both roasted red pepper and red pepper puree. Both pineapple and "pina drizzle", which I'm pretty sure is a puree too.  There are a lot of sauces, including three tomato-based sauces, an alfredo, a pesto, barbecue. I'm glad there are all those choices, but it takes me a long time to decide sometimes.

What I went with this time is a half-and-half:  original sauce and extra cheese on the whole thing, then sausage, mild banana pepper, and carmelized onion on one half, and meatballs, roasted red pepper, and "fancy" parmesan on the other. Let's just say it wasn't the most economical pizza, but I don't care. It was a big day. Plus it was nice it arrived in 35 min when the estimate was 60-75 min.