RoP Episode 1

I like the show. Accuracy or canon isn't a huge concern for me.

RoP Episode 1

I like the show. I like Galadriel. It's a little weird she's a soldier elf, but I don't really care. I'm just so glad to see stuff before the Hobbit (more than just flashbacks) on screen.

The Harfoots are kind of a more primitive hobbit. I think they're alright.

Elrond seems interesting. I hope he gets some flashback backstory at some point.  Really all we've seen are Galadriel and Finrod when it comes to flashbacks.

As for flashbacks, wow what a shot that was of Tirion and the Two Trees of Valinor!  I'd say that was my favorite thing in the whole episode.

Look I'm going to probably be a big fan of the show the whole way through. Accuracy or canon isn't a huge concern for me. If it is for somebody else, and they happen to work in Hollywood, well, make something you think is better and I'll watch that too.