Sad Gargoyle Dubbel

The first official brew from my home brewing system.

Sad Gargoyle Dubbel

That's what I'm going to call this beer, the first official beer from my latest home-brewing system.  Here's the recipe.  It's modified a bit from the dubbel from the Wine and Hop Shop.  I added more grain, a slightly different yeast, and a darker sugar:


  • 1 lb Biscuit malt (Dingeman's)
  • 1 lb Cara 45 malt (Dingeman's)
  • 12 lbs Belgian Pilsen malt (Dingeman's)
  • 6 oz Chocolate malt (Briess)
  • 10 oz Special B malt (Dingeman's)


  • 1 oz Styrian Golding (Celeia)
  • 1 oz Brewer's Gold (Tenacious Badger)


  • 2x packages Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity


  • 1 lb Dark Belgian Candi Syrup (D-180)

I have a BIAB (brew-in-a-bag) kettle.  I think I started with 6.5 gal of water, which I guess was enough to mash with, whatever. My kettle has a condensing lid, so not much water gets boiled off in the boil, but between the boil, evaporation from the mash, grain absorbing some water, and spilling beer like an idiot, I think there's 5 to 5 1/2 gal in the fermenter.

The boil was supposed to be 60 min.  I think I was pretty close to that, but I forgot the Brewer's Gold hops and the Candi syrup went in in the first 5 min.  I put the syrup in like at minute 25, and the hops at minute 30, but fortunately I put the Styrian hops in 5 minutes before the end.

With the glorious benefit of hindsight, I think it all went fine, but at the time it just seemed like a stressful nightmare of:

  • Spills: cleaning water, sanitizing water, plain water, unboiled wort, or boiled wort... nope, all of the above.
  • Tubes/hoses not long enough.
  • Always forgetting the next step.
  • Not knowing where I put that thing that goes on that thing.
  • Oh no, I don't have enough of these connectors. I have to use the one that's on there once I'm done with that step.
  • Is that going to be enough water?
  • Where's that goddamn hose?
  • Maybe close the valve before unhooking the hose next time. OK, lesson not learned. Maybe the time after that? Nope.
  • I'm hungry.
  • This should've taken like 4 hrs. Somehow it took 10.
  • I thought I was able to chill this wort to 70º. Why is it 100º all of a sudden?
  • Why won't this cat just go away and take a nap?

The original recipe says it has an O.G. of 1.060.  Mine was closer to 1.077, and my goal was for it to be higher, but I also don't care too much because I don't have much experience and I knew it'd be unrealistic to aim for anything with much certainty. Especially given the clumsiness of my process.

Here is the telemetry data collected from the hydrometer/thermometer for the first two days:

I stayed up until 2am on Saturday night in order to pitch the yeast at a non-horrific temperature for them (80º). I don't think they cared much, because they reached a good, hard log-phase within 12 hrs and clearly they've been eating.

However it works out, I won't know for a while. (a) because it just takes a while to ferment, and condition in bottles. (b) Because I am taking the critical, #1 advice from a fantastic local brewer: to not try this beer until after brewing the second one. But I need to figure out what that next one will be. I think maybe a tripel or something hoppy.