The Matrices
I think it was probably useful to watch them in quicker succession than I had, because I really enjoyed them a lot!

So rewind back to 18 years ago. OK first to 22 years ago. I really, really enjoyed the Matrix when it came out. I thought it was a pretty exciting movie with an interesting concept and a pretty menacing villain. Then the second one came out and I liked it but I thought it was getting a little full of itself and convoluted. Then the third came out, and for some reason I just got tired of this whole Neo-is-Jesus or whatever thing and I was getting irritated with the ridiculous fights between Smith and Neo that took forever. It never got to a point where I hated it or anything, I was just hoping I'd liked the sequels more.
In preparation for the fourth Matrix, I decided to go through them again. I think it was probably useful to watch them in quicker succession than I had, because I really enjoyed them a lot! I think I probably paid better attention to the story, so I understood better what was going on with Smith.
I'm all ready for #4!