The Other Donut

The Other Donut

It's a little scuffed from sticking to its bag a little bit, but this is a shot of this morning's donut from Ledger/Level 5. Last week was the vanilla, this week is the chocolate. I unfortunately didn't get a hold of this week's special offering: horchata. The non-vanilla/non-chocolate donuts are far more limited, and sometimes don't sound very good (last week was "animal crackers", and some time before that "fruit loops"). Horchata however, I know would be a winner. Somehow how I also know this refers more precisely to Mexican horchata, and not the Spanish variety, which though similar in appearance to Mexican horchata is based on tiger nuts. Mexican horchata is cinnamon, rice, and sometimes almonds. And I know that'd be a great donut. Oh well. The chocolate one does nicely.