
An homage to Engfer's Pizza in Santa Cruz, CA.


Tonight I paid homage to one of my favorite pizza places of all time: Engfer Pizza Works, in Santa Cruz, CA.  I got one of their specialties: The Triple-P.  The three P's are pepperoni, pesto, and, yes, pineapple.  I think I like this use of pineapple more than the typical Hawaiian pizza with ham or Canadian bacon.  Pesto and pepperoni is just a strongly greasy combination that I like the sweetness and mild acidity of the pineapple to cut through that a little. I wonder if a little acidity with less sweetness, like artichokes hearts might be good too. In any case, I get this combination sometimes from Pizza Pit.  Pizza Pit's pizza is a lot different than Engfer's. I think Engfer's is a little thinner crust. But not every pizza place offers pesto as a topping, so I can construct this pizza there.  I made it a "heavyweight" pizza this time, meaning there's extra cheese and 40% more of each topping.  Yeah this thing is at least 3-4 meals. I loved every minute of consuming what I could of this tonight. I wish I was hungry again.