Yelich Struck Down

He's fully vaccinated... and he caught COVID.

Yelich Struck Down

Just fantastic. This is really really bad news. Christian Yelich has been placed on the IL for COVID. It's interesting the Brewers' president David Stearns actually noted unequivocally that he tested positive for COVID. Which means Yelich gave him permission to do so... perhaps even asked him to. Normally, the team will go into all kinds of detail about an injury, but with COVID they keep their comments safely within legal boundaries.

Christian Yelich participated in a team vaccination/PR "Let's Crush COVID, Milwaukee" event in early April. He's fully vaccinated... and he caught COVID. I don't care how mild his symptoms are. That's all short-term stuff. He's now compromised. I think this virus plays the long game too. Is it going to flare up in 30 years? Maybe when he catches a cold or when he's in recovery from a back surgery. Nobody knows. It's a completely new virus, possibly man-made. Nobody knows the long-term outlook.

I don't want this virus. Not even a little bit. At this point I know I've been exposed to it somewhere. I know it's been near me.

The CDC has updated guidance to say that in areas where new cases are appearing at a rate of 50 new cases per 100,000 per date or the positivity rate is at or above 8% (7 day averages), that fully-vaccinated people need to mask indoors again. I'm definitely going to latch on to that and I'm prepared to go much further. Right now Dane County is reporting 5.7 and 2.8% respectively. Those are terrible numbers for a 70% fully-vaccinated county with the university currently in its quiet summer mode.

This sucks. Get the U12 population vaccinated ASAP! They might be the only americans left that want it.